St. Louis Physical Therapy

St. Louis physical therapist

If you are looking for information about St. Louis physical therapy and therapists, you have come to the right place. A physical therapist provides treatment to individuals experiencing trouble with movement caused by aging, injury, or disease. Physical therapy is a type of rehabilitative health that utilizes exercise along with equipment to help people regain their physical abilities or to improve them. Physical therapy works by showing you how to minimize your physical impairment in order to function in the world.

There are many types of things that a physical therapist can help you with including back pain, stroke, arthritis, brain injury, neurological disorders, before and after pregnancy problems, breathing problems, multiple sclerosis, neck pain, balance disorders, orthopedic injuries, and spinal cord injuries. The list can go on and on. This is just the tip of the ice berg in the types of things a St. Louis physical therapist can assist you with.

St. Louis Physical Therapy

Advanced Training and Rehab314-909-4848
Apexnetwork Physical Therapy 314-442-6249
Excel Sports636-949-3926
Pain Relief Associates636-978-3000
Peak Sport & Spine314-539-9800
RACE Physical Therapy314-646-8880
SSM Physical Therapy314-768-5375
Telegraph Road Physical Therapy314-894-9008

How will a STL physical therapist help you? Anyone who has ever visited a physical therapist will tell you that they evaluate and measure certain things like: mobility, speed, flexibility, balance, strength, coordination, movement, cardiovascular endurance, and respiratory endurance. Once these things have been evaluated and measured to see the severity of the problem, the therapist will discuss ways to help the person improve their physical abilities. They take into consideration the functional skills of the person and their need to move around the home and community to lead a productive and satisfying life.

Physical Therapy in St. Louis

There are several types of programs that might be used according to your physical impairment. The physical therapist’s main goal is to help you move in your environment successfully. This may be through gait training, standing programs, working with prostheses or orthodics, balance training, artificial limb fitting and training how to use the limb, training on motor control, and muscle retraining are just a sample of the programs a physical therapist may use to help you move about your environment. They are also trained on wheelchair and seating to help you sit comfortably if this is the best option for you.

Physical Therapy Session

Any reputable physical therapist in St. Louis should address several things with a person receiving treatment. For example, they should get the history of how you injured yourself, the type of pain you are experiencing, and what makes the pain better or worse. They should give you a complete physical examination, asking you to move certain ways so the therapist can determine what cause pain and what decreases pain. The type of treatment you need depends upon your condition.

If you have a back injury, the therapy may include a combination of exercises, massage, ice, and heat. The therapist may use electrical stimulation to stimulate the injured area in your back so it will heal itself faster. Usually the therapist also recommends a home program of stretches and things to avoid doing like lifting in the wrong way. Once there is proof that the back is healing, the therapist will usually allow more activity such as exercise to help continue the healing process. The therapist will also discuss how to prevent the injury from reoccurring and may suggest a back support to assist in range of motion.

APTA American Physical Therapy Association      Visit Site

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